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Formatting the Shape Data Details TABLE
Resolved · High Priority · Version 2007
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Formatting the Shape Data Details TABLE
I am working with linking a large set of data to maps that I have created in visio. I have multiple shapes on the maps in Visio, and I need to link the associated data to each shape in a format that is clear and easy to read. The problem I am finding, however, is that all data that I want to link to each shape needs to be in one single row (because the row transposes once you press CTRL+click on the shape to see the details on the left hand side of the visiowebpage file). Is there any way you can somehow place place an 'ENTER' or anything in one single cell, so my information is clearer. Here is an example of what I'm working with:
Name Assignments Location
Bob A D
The problem with visio is that all of that info associated with BOB needs to be on one single row. So I concatenated all the info, and now the shape details on the left side of the screen reads like:
Name Bob
Assignments A, B, C
Location D, E
But my employer is not happy with that (because the information I am using is much more detailed). I have tried doing &char(10)& and ALT+TAB in the actual excel file that I am pulling from, but once it is linked to a shape in Visio, the ENTERs simply disappear. Is there any way around this, so that I can format the shape data details table to be easier to read? Any tricks on formatting it, creating spaces?
RE: Formatting the Shape Data Details TABLE
Hi Lora
Thanks for your post. We have decided to escalate this to one of our other trainers as they may be best placed to find a solution for you. They are training today but I have alerted them about this and they will try to reply to your post ASAP.
For your information there are times when a requirement is quite involved and the next stage is for us to review your actual working files to confirm if we can find a solution.
As this does extend beyond the scope of the forum if we can find a solution we will need to commit some trainer time towards producing the solution which may incur costs. We will only commence work on your go ahead.
Kind regards
RE: Formatting the Shape Data Details TABLE
Hi, Jacob!
Thank you for your response and help! If need be, I can somehow find a way to get the file to you for a trainer to work on. There may be many ways around the formatting here (ie, formatting within the actual excel file to make it look more presentable), I just can't seem to find a way that works well.
If you get the chance, too, I was wondering how much I can expect for your services to cost, if I do agree to help from the trainer.
Thanks again!
RE: Formatting the Shape Data Details TABLE
Hi Lora,
Thank you for your question.
Could you please send me the two files with details of exactly what you wish to achieve.
I will then have a look at the files and then speak to Jacob about what the next step may be.
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