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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Stephanie has attended:
Excel Introduction course


How do you use Count A

RE: CountA

Hi Stephanie.

Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum.

It's quite easy to use CountA.

You just go to the cell you want to put the answer in, type:
and then select the column/rows you want to include in the formula. For example A1-A7.
Then type the closing bracket:
And press enter.

It's a useful function function that counts up the number of cells containing data, either numbers or labels, in your selected range.

I hope this answers your question. We look forward to answering any more you may have.

Kind regards,


Excel tip:

Formula for last day of month

In some cases it is necessary to find the last day of a month for a given date. If you use the following formula, you can achieve this, ie; if you have a column of dates, use this formula to find the end of month for each day by using the fill handle. The formula is as follows, and assumes in this example that the first date in question is in cell C5, in any other cell type; =DATE(YEAR(C5),MONTH(C5)+1,1)-1

View all Excel hints and tips

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