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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Julie-Anne has attended:
Excel Advanced course


how to past information from one sheet to another and keep the same colume row with?

RE: Excel

One thing you can do is select two tabs holding your control key down, from there whatever you do with one worksheet affects the other. So you can type on one and it will appear on both sheets. If you are looking at row width if you change one it will change the other.

Have a go and see if that helps



Excel tip:

Repeating headings on spreadsheets that print on more than one page

By default when you print a spreadsheet out and it prints on more than one page, the headings at the top and the side of the spreadsheet don't appear on all the pages following page 1.

To get Excel to repeat headings on all pages when printing, go to File - Page Setup - Sheet, then select the rows to repeat at the top of pages, and the columns to repeat at the side of pages by clicking on the red arrows at the right side of the two boxes under the 'Print titles' area. Then click OK.

If you view your spreadsheet in Print Preview, you should see the headings being repeated on each page.

View all Excel hints and tips

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