Soft Skills

What Do You Think? Adopting Resilient Thinking

What Do You Think?

Adopting Resilient Thinking

What’s on your mind right now? When I google ‘thoughts’ the web search says that on average each of us has 45,000 thoughts a day, with 80% being negative.  That’s an avalanche of choices to go down. How do those thoughts affect you? To what degree can they change your mood?

The effects of negative thinking

In the article what happens to the body if I complain? I was shocked to learn that it can lower immune function and creativity, release stress and attract negativity. Can the human mind relearn and change, even reject this state of mind? I whole-heartedly believe it can!

Complaining or negative venting never delivers a worthwhile outcome. Is it easier to point out the negative than think of improvement? If I point out a weakness (obvious or not) does that give me a sense of dominance? And if I do, how will others react to me?

What if we focussed on what is good about a given project or idea, finding the solution (our problem solving training can definitely help!), and moving on in the direction in which we wish to progress?

The Critic

This is the trap of so-called conventional wisdom – a cycle of ‘criticism’. If I present a new idea to 10 people will 9 tell me why it won’t work? Does perfection in modern society mean becoming a master of this avenue of thought? Is being a Critic the height of professional achievement? From Sport, Entertainment, Business, Political – are we to be scrutinised and judged by the well-renowned personality with the job title of Critic?

From business into personal relationships, is the Critic poised at the edge of symptomatic co-dependency? Criticising your partner, even holding them responsible for your value systems. Psychologists would certainly tell you that this is so with suggestions that 90% of us are engaged in this social behaviour pattern.

Resilience and Negative Overload

Resilient ThinkingBecoming centred in your own worth is absolutely crucial for self-esteem and personal resilience. Being able to have a balanced view which says, ‘I can see how this might work’ or, ‘let’s think how to improve this’ is a great place to start. Over-coming the tentacles of depression can indeed start from the belief ‘I am grateful for…’ and an easier step out of negative overload. Meditation is after all a thoughtful dynamic which can lead an emotion into place rather than be led by one. Yes, we can learn change. It starts with mindfulness and the value we put on ourselves.

Sales & Customer Service

How Relationship Building creates SALES in ABUNDANCE



Is exceptional service anticipation?

The waiter stands there looking at you hopefully. Pleasantly he suggests an entrée you had not considered. ‘Let me make your evening, this is one our finest dishes.’ You study his face. The ambience of the restaurant is a delight, and with a grateful nod you confirm his suggestion. It is agreed that you will consider the main order at your leisure. It is your first visit and there is no need to think too hard over an untried menu. You want to be spoilt with an abundance of service, to have a wonderful experience. The waiter returns with a complimentary glass of house red, anxious to have your opinion. It is anticipating the guests need for being special and the philosophy of sales in abundance.

What opening question can you use?

You meander through a shopping mall, you have things to do so your pace is brisk. Quite unexpectedly a happy sales rep bounces in your way and suggests a moment to refresh in the latest aftershave. The salespersons introduction launches into a question ‘Can you help me, I can’t figure out where I have experienced this scent before, its exquisite?’ Deliberately you engage in the essence, enjoying the enthusiasm and the idea that you could help figure this out? It is an extravagant scent.

Not quite what you expected is it?’ the sales rep confirms. Perspectives are exchanged, you agree it reminds you of something? Memories are siphoned-off, convinced there is something personal worth remembering. The resistance to purchase may not be considered? Something unique, just for me? The essence does remind me of? What opening questions can you use in your sales dialogue?

This is where soft skill training companies can come in handy with workshops on emotional intelligence, successful selling, and excellent customer service.

Is this sales or is it something else?

The car salesman suggests the car-of-the-week, it is the deal to have beyond all others. This is your lucky day. You agree it is a great price considering the make, model and year. For almost an hour you exchange likes and dislikes on cars in general. References to desired engine size and favourite models. You both relate back to the infamous critics of Top Gear. The salesman, Steve with two kids and happily married has a favourite past time of rebuilding MG’s. He points out how much he loves his job, especially meeting enthusiasts. The deal has to be made, he can’t let you leave without you having the bargain of the century. Steve suggests three years of free labour for all servicing. It clenches the deal. It had to be done, but why? Is this sale’s or something else? Sales Training London

A precursor to a great relationship?

How one person can make the other person feel seems to be the lead in the most successful of sales encounters. Consider the guest at the restaurant who the waiter realised just wanted to be spoilt. To have the experience as if the guest was a visiting VIP or diplomat. This isn’t a waiter who is new at the job, this is someone who understands the idea of ‘special’. Go ahead and impress me is all he is looking for.

Consider the perfume sales rep who engages with what does this remind you of, after a personal interlude of their own remarkable nostalgia. Something my famous uncle used to wear. Something to attract attention? Just for fun – the best Linux adverts are delightful reminders of how to suggestive sell from the clients what’s-in-it-for-them view. The case to build an identity between a scent and a customer, much more specific to the individual. The gift of a spontaneous interaction – and my goodness where on earth did the time go?


Or consider the passionate car salesperson who just loves cars, loves talking about them. He just wants to build relationships, he uses three years of servicing to do it. Every client we have is an opportunity to develop a foundation of loyalty and therefore trust. With the ideal that sales are in abundance with every customer is to build the future. It will after all be the best advertising, mission statement, operating standard and brand identity you will ever invest in.