months free access

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12 months free access to online support

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Deborah has attended:
Excel Advanced course

12 months free access to online support

12 months free access to online support ....Should this not have been mentioned on the course?

RE: 12 months free access to online support

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the forum post. Sorry Tim did not mention the forum support on the course. He may not have been briefed on this properly. We have emails going out post-course following up with such information, just in case.

Please be aware that we have recently increased the duration of support to 24 months. So we look forward to answering your questions over the next 2 years.

Kind Regards,


Excel tip:

Create a unique items table from a duplicating table

1. Ensure that your list has column headings
2. Select the entire list
3. From the menu bar, select DATA, FILTER, ADVANCED FILTER
4. Select "Filter the list, in place", and tick the "Unique Records Only" box
5. Click OK, filtered list appears.

View all Excel hints and tips

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