month function convert string

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Month function convert to string

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2007

Danny has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Month function convert to string

The month() function returns a number from 1-12, and i normally convert that into Jan-Dec using a lookup which lists number and month. Is there some sort of function which returns the month as a string (without formatting the date itself).


RE: Month function convert to string

Hi Danny

You could use the Choose function instead of a vlookup.


where the cell A2 contains a date.

The function then returns the correct Month for a particular date.


Doug Dunn
Best STL

RE: Month function convert to string

Will this do the same trick?


Where A1 from 1 to 12

RE: Month function convert to string

Yes that works as well.

Best STL

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Fri 23 Nov 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Using Alt in Save Dialog Box

When you are saving (or opening) a file, try these;
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1. Go to previous folder Alt+1
2. Go up one folder level Alt+2
3. Search the Web Alt+3
4. Delete selected file Alt+4 or Delete
5. Create a new folder Alt+5
6. Cycle through all views Alt+6 repeatedly
7. Display the Tools menu Alt+7

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