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What does a VLOOKUP do?

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Kristiana has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Excel Advanced - For Power Users course

What does a VLOOKUP do?

What does a VLOOKUP do?


use VLOOKUP to look up a value you want to find in an Excel list or table. Using VLOOKUP is similar to looking up a person’s name in a telephone book to get a telephone number. VLOOKUP looks at a value in one column, and finds its corresponding value on the same row in another column.

have a look at this link for more detail;



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Excel tip:

Display Functions on Worksheets

Functions in Excel can be difficult to recall their format/syntax

For example, you want to use the =PMT function.

Enter =PMT, then select keystroke, CTRL+SHIFT+A.

This usful memory jog, will display the arguments of a function on a worksheet, allowing the user to proceed with the generation of the function

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