power point presentations

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Power Point Presentations

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Christina has attended:
PowerPoint Introduction course
Word Intermediate course
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course
Word Advanced course

Power Point Presentations

How do I merge different presentations?

RE: Power Point Presentations

Hi Christina,

Thank you for your question.

There is no magic Merge button to do it. PowerPoint 2010 has introduced the Compare and Merge process.

You can open both the presentations in Slide Sorter view and drag the slides from one window into the other while holding CTRL key down on the keyboard.

Alternatively, use the New Slide Options - Reuse Slides and then browse for the files. Choose the presentation and click once on each slide to insert it into your current presentation.

I hope this answers your question.



I hope this helps.



Mon 25 Jul 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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PowerPoint tip:

Use a Company logo as a bullet

Once you have a saved picture of your company logo.

1. Format / Bullets and Numbering
2. On the bulleted Tab choose Picture
3. Use import to find you Logo

Once you import a pic it stays there permanately.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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