paste link

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Paste link

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Samantha has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Excel Introduction course
Excel Intermediate course
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Paste link

how can you paste link a graph - to update automatically when extra data is added

RE: paste link

Hi Samantha

Thanks for your question

Can you clarify for me the following

1. Are you copying the chart from Excel into another application?
2. If so what is tha application (Word, PowerPoint etc)



RE: paste link

Hi Stephen,

Sorry maybe i've got my wires crossed. I was under the impression that I could do something that would automatically update the chart when the infomation was changed?


RE: paste link

Hi Samantha

Sorry, I'm a little unclear.

You original post mentioned "paste linking". This is a technique were you can copy something into another file so that if the source changes then the copy will as well. If this is what you want then the method changes slightly if you are copying into word or powerpoint.
Is this what you want to do or had you something else in mind?



RE: paste link

apologies for the confusion! I currently update graphs on a monthly basis taken from information from various spreadsheets. the trainer told me that i would find paste linking very helpful - but it appears i may have got cross wires.

RE: paste link

Hi Samantha

OK this is simple enough

The procedure is as follows

1. Select the chart and copy it to the clip board
2. Open the file that where you want to paste the chart
3. Click on the clipboard button, which is in the clipboard group on the home ribbon
4. Select paste link from the resulting menu. (This is the clipboard icon with the chain)

Your charts will now automatically update

Hope this helps



Thu 21 Jul 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Random Numbers

Type =RAND()*200 to generate a number between 1 and 200.
Use the fill handle to drag down and populate as many cells as you'd like with random numbers.

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