excel vba exercises

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Excel VBA exercises

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Judith has attended:
Excel VBA Intro Intermediate course

Excel VBA exercises

Hi I recently attended the VBA course at the Bloomsbury Sq location. Whilst I enjoyed the course and found it useful I felt it could have benefited from more exercises in class rather than copying coding put up by the trainer. Our trainer said we would be able to find exercises in the support forum. Could you tell me where these are located?


RE: Excel VBA exercises

Hi Judith,

Sorry for the delay in responding.

I have emailed one of my colleagues to see whether there are any practice exercises on the forum.

However, I have attached four practice tasks and a VBA solutions spreadsheet so you can have a go yourself.

I hope this helps.



Attached files...

VBA Basic Concepts Practice Exercises 2003.doc
VBA Practice code solutions.xls

Wed 27 Apr 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Press ENTER.

(the apostraphe will disappear

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