datetoday function

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Date/Today function

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Claire has attended:
Excel Introduction course
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course

Date/Today function

Using the 'TODAY' function, is it possible to set a countdown in your worksheet (i.e. working towards a deadline)?

RE: Date/Today function

Hi Claire,

Thanks for your question. I hope you are enjoying the Excel Introduction training.

The simplest way is use the NOW() function.

Step 1. Put the deadline date in cell A1
Step 2. Put this formula in any other cell:
Step 3. Format the latter cell to be a number, with no decimal places. It will result in the number of days remaining until the deadline.

See attached an Excel 2003 spreadsheet with this example, and also a more complex and detailed example which shows days, hours, minutes, seconds.

If this answer resolves your query, please mark the question as 'resolved' (see below). Otherwise, please post a follow-up response to this post, and I will assist you further.

Regards, Rich

Attached files...



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Excel tip:

Hide data in Excel Worksheets

Let's say you have some data in cell 'C5' you would like to hide from the casual viewer.

Click cell 'C5' to select it.

Click the 'Format' menu, select 'Cells'. When the 'Format Cells' dialogue box opens, click the 'Numbers' tab (if necessary), then select 'Custom' from the 'Category' list.

Double-click the 'Type' entry box and type three semi-colons: ";;;"

Click 'OK' to close the dialogue box and accept the new formatting.

The data in cell 'C5' disappears. It's still there and will work in calculations, but it isn't visible.

If you need to check the data, just click the blank cell and the contents appear in the 'Formula bar'.

View all Excel hints and tips

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