microsoft excel courses in london - counting items columns

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microsoft excel courses in london - Counting items in columns.

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Stuart has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Counting items in columns.

Can you please advise the best way to count the number of items which are listed in a column. ( eg a list of names attending a conference?)

Using COUNTA to count items in columns

Hi Stuart,

I would use the COUNTA() function.

Counts the number of cells that are not empty and the values within the list of arguments. Use COUNTA to count the number of cells that contain data in a range or array.

So if you have a list of people from cells A1 to H1, the calculation would be =COUNTA(A1:H1)

Good luck.

Regards, Rich


Excel tip:

Create a hyperlink navigation sheet

In large files, it is often useful to have a front sheet with hyperlinks to the key databases and summary calculations in your spreadsheet. Hyperlinks can save you and (more importantly) those less familiar with your spreadsheet a great deal of pointless scrolling between and within sheets.

Hyperlinks appear as underlined text and can jump to any cell or range name in your file. You can also use hyperlinks to jump to other files.

To create a hyperlink to a location in the active workbook: (1) Select the cell that contains the text you want to use as the hyperlink and choose Insert|Hyperlink.(2)Click Place in this document.(3)Choose the sheet you want to link to or the range name from the list of "Defined Names".(4)If necessary, type the cell reference in the Type in the cell reference box. (5) Click OK.

View all Excel hints and tips

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