paste special

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Paste special

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Beryl has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Paste special

Would like a recap on the Paste Special function

RE: Paste special

Hi Beryl, Thanks for the post, welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoyed your course today, The question is a good one, but there is an awful lot to cover, so bare with me: The Paste Special dialog box is extremely useful. The most useful feature is probably the ability to copy the values of cells without copying the formulas or formatting.
You can access the most common Paste Special options directly from the Standard toolbar click the drop down arrow next to the Paste button.
All - Pastes all aspects of the cell, values, formulas, formats, formatting etc. This is the same as just using the Paste command.
Formulas - Pastes only the formulas, any relative references are adjusted automatically.
Values - Pastes only the static values and text or the displayed values resulting from formulas.
Formats - Pastes only the format attached to the copied cells.
Comments - Pastes only the comments attached to the copied range of cells.
Validation - Pastes only the Data Validation rules attached to the copied range of cells.
All Except Borders - Pastes only the data, the borders or formatting are not changed.
Column Widths - Pastes only the column widths from the copied range of cells.
Formulas and Number Formats - Pastes only the formulas and their number formats. This is useful when copying values to cells that are already formatted.
Values and Number Formats - Pastes only the values and their number formats. This does not copy the formulas.
Mathematical Operations (Edit > Paste Special) dialog box
These four operations allow you to combine the contents of the copy area and the paste area. The data is not overwritten but is combined to produce new values.
None - This is the default and no mathematical operations are performed on the current selection.
Add - Adds the value (or values) that have been copied to the current selection.
Subtract - Subtracts the value (or values) that have been copied from the current selection.
Multiply - Multiplies the current selection by the value (or values) that have been copied. Divide - Divides the current selection by the value (or values) that have been copied.
Other Operations (Edit > Paste Special) dialog box
Skip Blanks - This will ignore any blank cells that have been included in the copied range. If you are copying data onto existing data then any blank cells in the copy range will not be pasted. This is useful as it allows you to overwrite selected cells without overwriting all the cells.
Transpose - If you transpose cells that contain formulas then the formulas are automatically adjusted.
Transposing your rows and columns can be easily done. Copy the cell range you wish to transpose and before pasting choose (Edit > Paste Special) and select the Transpose check box. The paste area must be outside the copy area.
If you want to transpose cells containing formulas, then the formulas and cell references and adjusted. If you don


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Excel tip:

Line breaks in a cell

You can control the line breaks for multiple-line headings or labels in your Microsoft Excel worksheet, just like you do in Microsoft Word. Here's how to do it.

Click the cell where you want the label or heading to appear.
Type the first line of information.

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