setting up forms

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Setting up forms

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2002/XP

Steve has attended:
Visio Introduction course

Setting up forms

How do I insert a drop down list

RE: Setting up forms

Hello Steve

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

To add a drop down list in FrontPage:
1. Click in the form where you want to add a drop box.
2. Enter a label next to where you want the drop down menu to appear.
3. Go to Insert>Form>Drop-down box.

4. The drop down box should have appeared in the form. Now double-click the drop down box and a popup should appear.

5. Name your drop down box in the name area.

6. Click Add. A popup should appear where you can add choices for the drop down list.

7. If you want the value to be different, select


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