Stay motivated working from home during lockdown

Are you struggling to stay motivated working at home during the current lockdown?

Huge numbers of people are currently working from home every day due to the extreme changes caused by Coronavirus. From pets to children, Netflix or even a good book, there are so many distractions that get in the way as we try to get work done!

This blog will give you several tips to stay motivated, concentrated and productive while working at home:

Get up early

Unless you are a true night owl, the worst thing you can do is to get up late and start working late in the day. This is a sure-fire way for most people to feel demotivated. Be sure to get up at a similar time or earlier than when you start work in the office.

Depending on the age of your children, this might also provide a perfect window of opportunity for you to get work done early in the morning before the rest of your family have woken up. Sometimes a couple of hours can make all the difference!

Have a clear plan for the day

Write down a clear to-do list on paper, use Outlook to plan your day or manage your task list using an app such as Trello, OneNote or MS Planner.

Strong motivation starts with clarity about your priorities and effective time management.

Stay organised

It’s important to stay organised and reduce distractions. This can be challenging if you have children at home and other distractions such as the TV or other family members. This infographic has a number of useful tips to help you improve your organisational skills and productivity.

White Paper With Note

Take regular breaks

After blocks of 1-2 hours of quality work be sure to take breaks to keep your energy and motivation levels as high as possible.


It’s important to get some fresh air and some exercise. This could simply be a walk around the block or even better some more intense exercise such as a run, a bike ride or a home workout.

Have a quiet and tidy work space

If you don’t already have a clear, tidy and quiet work space you need to find this space in your home. You may not be lucky enough to have your own study at home or a desk in your bedroom. However, it’s critical to find a quiet area where you can get work done and be productive.

Man Using Laptop on Table Against White Background

Keep in touch with colleagues

It’s easy to feel lonely and isolated while working at home so it’s key to keep in regular contact with your colleagues. Clearly it’s important to talk about work, but also try to occasionally reach out to your team members who are particularly positive and have a good sense of humour just to keep your morale high.


To stay motivated while working at home there are many things within your control, so try to focus on these quick wins. It’s amazing what a big difference a small action can make, so where will you start today?

For more tips and tricks to stay motivated and productive in these challenging times, you may wish to attend STL’s Virtual Training Programs on Time Management, Organisational Skills training or Stress Management and Wellbeing in the Workplace. Our trainers love sharing their expert techniques and helping others build their skills!

How to Manage Mental Health during the COVID-19 Lockdown

It is natural to feel a strain on your mental health under the current circumstances.

Economies are suffering, people are worried about losing their jobs. Many parents have children at home and have to juggle taking care of their kids with getting work done. And on top of this, physical health is a huge concern too.

We can all benefit from taking the time to better manage our mental health in these challenging times, so read on to explore simple, practical strategies that can help keep your stress under control.

 Exercise regularly

Do some exercise that makes you sweat, or if that’s too much at least take regular walks. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which interact with the receptors in your brain and reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to morphine, so gives you a great boost!

 Get 7-9 hours sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep. Research shows if we regularly get less then 7 hours sleep it can cause us to feel more stressed, fuels anxiety and can even sometimes lead to depression. If you struggle to sleep, make sure to create a good bedtime routine to build better sleeping habits.

 Eat healthy

Try to reduce the amount of junk food you eat and maximise the amount of healthy fruit and vegetables in your diet. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

If you find this difficult when you’re stuck at home, try using your extra time to cook new, interesting recipes. This gives the triple benefit of providing good nutrition, a fun activity to keep you busy and of course a delicious meal as a reward at the end of it!

Top View Photo of Food Dessert
Eating healthy boosts your immune system and helps you feel great!

 Reduce time on social media and the internet

Too much time on social media or constantly watching the news about Coronavirus can quickly plummet you into a deep pit of anxiety. Limit the time you spend online and try leaving your phone in another room so you’re not checking it constantly throughout the day. Easier said than done in an internet-obsessed world, but very beneficial if you can manage it.

 Learn something new

 We all love occasionally binge-watching TV dramas on Netflix all day. But a more constructive way to use your time is spending it learning a new skill, like coding or a new language. You will feel good about yourself as you learn and grow, and if you can share your progress with others learning a similar skill you get the added benefit of being part of a community.

 Try meditation

 If you haven’t tried meditation before or don’t do it regularly, it can be a great way to switch off from your worries and reset your mind. Apps such as Headspace or Calm are now very popular. Another great resource is the Release Meditation Technique by Brendon Burchard. With so many easy-to-access support apps available, getting into meditation isn’t as hard as it seems.

Release Meditation Technique - Instruction by Founder Brendon Burchard

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Reframe Challenging Situations

 No matter what challenging situation you are facing there is always a silver lining or something positive you can focus on. Try to be aware when you are focusing on negative thoughts; reframe and ask yourself what good you can identify or what you can learn from the situation.

 In Summary

 During these challenging times it’s important to get the basics right and live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. These are the keys to managing our mental health and stress levels.

Which of these seven strategies are you going to try to do more of?

If you want further help developing your stress management skills, at STL we offer a Virtual Training on Stress Management and Wellbeing in the Workplace. Get in contact to find out more!