The Perils Of Perpetual People Pleasing!

How to say ‘no’ assertively

If you are a passive person, there is one word that strikes fear into your heart, and because of this it rarely appears in your personal dictionary. It’s a difficult but short message – the word ‘no’. If you are passive, you prefer to be a ‘yes’ person, a people pleaser. Your aim is to avoid confrontation with others, and sayings such as ‘anything for a quiet life’ and ‘don’t make a scene’ trip easily off your tongue.

Someone could do with assertiveness courses

So what’s the problem?

Once people realise you are passive, they will take advantage of your good nature. They will know they can dump work on you and you won’t fight back or even question it. They will get used to hearing ‘Ok, no problem. Leave it there and I’ll do it later’. But you end up with the in-tray from hell and you never get to go home on time! You will also get very stressed and will begin to suffer.

Your self-esteem and dignity will be around your ankles and you won’t like yourself very much. As a trainer, I have delivered many stress management and assertiveness training sessions and the vast majority of attendees are passive and need help! Also, what people don’t realise is that every time they take advantage of your passive nature, they are adding to the frustration which is accumulating inside you, and you will reach a point where you can take no more.

You will lose control and explode with rage, and once the outburst is over, you will feel utterly ashamed and full of regret. This is where the expression ‘it’s always the quiet ones’ comes from.

The answer is: learn to be more assertive!

If the prospect of saying ‘no’ fills you with terror, then don’t say it – negotiate instead! Assertive people don’t say no unless they absolutely have no alternative, and even then it’s a ‘no, because…’ Always support the ‘no’ with the reasons behind it, so people can understand. Honesty is always the best policy, so let’s not make promises we know we cannot keep just to make people happy – it will come back to haunt you later!

Empathy is a useful technique to use at the beginning, for example ‘I understand that you need this doing by 4pm today, however with my current workload..’ or ‘I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it won’t be possible…’ Next, offer options and alternatives for them to consider, for example ‘I understand you need me to work late tonight, but I cannot. However, I’m happy to come in early tomorrow morning if that helps’ or ‘it won’t be possible to finish this by 4pm, but I can have it ready by 5pm’.

The key message here is that I want to help, but what you’re asking just isn’t possible. But I can do this, or this – which one would you like?

Consider this: nobody is saying ‘no’ – we’re just agreeing on a different ‘yes’! A ‘yes’ that is acceptable to both parties. You can say no to now, but yes to later. In the end, everyone wins – we just need to agree on the running order!


Many people have problems saying the word ‘no’ when they really should, and as we have discovered there can be consequences. The solution is to be more assertive – stand up for yourself, whilst treating others with respect. If it’s a definite no, then make it a ‘no, because…’ and give reasons, but where there are other possibilities, you should negotiate.

Find a way forward on your terms as well as theirs – you’ll feel a lot better! And remember, nobody said no, we just agreed on a different yes. It works for me!

4 Habits for Successful Delegation

Delegating tasks successfully frees up valuable time for you time, helps you to develop your people, enables your to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and motivates members to perform. Poor delegation or a lack of it can slow work down, demotivate your team and cause negative conflict. Here are 4 Habits for Successful Delegation STL have identified as essential if you want to delegate the right way and build a productive and efficient team.

4 Habits for Successful Delegation
4 Habits for Successful Delegation


Involve the Team Early

Once you have your goal, great delegation is set up effectively by developing awareness, which lays the foundation for great performances amongst your team members. Most importantly, this comes down to communication. Follow this three-step process to kick-start the delegation process:

  1. Communicate your vision with your team.
  2. Deepen your vision by communicating long-term detail.
  3. Reinforce the importance of individual contribution.
Provide Reasons

Once you have established the importance of individual contributions, now is the time to reach out to those individual members are so important to the success of the initiative. If people understand the opportunity, why are they being asked to do something and why it matters they are more likely to buy in and focus their time on it. Therefore, rather than simply providing business context, share your reasons.

As one of the three modes of persuasion, logic is convincing because if you make a case for why you have identified a particular person for a job, they will understand your rational and see the request as genuine.

You will motivate them if you tell them why it matters to you.

Otherwise, doubt and suspicion can creep in, both of which impact on the levels of trust between you and your team.

Visualise Success

Setting clear expectations enables you and your team members to manoeuvre throughout the project. With vaguely defined goals, managers and subordinates lose focus, get frustrated and stressed because the reasons why things are going wrong are either deeply contentious or impossible to define.

When you are delegating a task:
  1. Explain the desired result in detail.
  2. Set clear expectations about what you envisage as successful outcomes.
  3. Explain how the task ties into the bigger picture.
  4. Provide criteria for measuring success: this should not only give team members of an unbiased way of looking at the result but also enables them to track their performance and make modifications, so they are best placed to deliver great results.
Confirm Understanding

Besides that, once you have explained clearly what is required it is vital to confirm the team member you are delegating to fully understands the request.

This will prevent a mismatch between what you have asked for and their interpretation, which almost inevitably results in frustration and conflict, but most importantly jeopardises the success delivery of the task.

In Summary…

Great delegation can help you achieve incredible things with your team. Laying a foundation through clear communication is essential. Sharing your vision with the team before you meet with individuals lays a strong foundation for success.

When you do meet with individuals providing reasons for involving them, setting clear and detailed expectations about the outcomes you envisage and getting them to confirm their understanding will limit risks, launch activities, monitor progress and achieve great results.