Hints & Tips Management Training Professional & Management Professional Development

How to Create and Deliver Amazing Virtual Presentations

Remember the days of whiteboard jitters and projector mishaps? The world of communication has evolved, and virtual presentations are now the new normal. Whether you’re connecting with colleagues across continents or captivating clients remotely, mastering the art of online presentations is key to success.

By testing your equipment beforehand and having a backup plan, you can navigate any potential bumps in the road such as technical hiccoughs with grace.

The rewards do outweigh the risks, and true magic of virtual presentations lies in their accessibility and global reach. Imagine captivating an audience worldwide, all from the comfort of your own space!

How to Create and Deliver Amazing Virtual Presentations

Navigating the Virtual Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

Compelling content is the lifeblood of any presentation, and the virtual world demands clarity and conciseness.

Ditch the text-heavy slides and embrace powerful visuals like infographics, animations, and high-quality images. Remember, templates are your friend, ensuring a consistent and professional look.

Let your visuals complement, not overshadow, your message. Crafting Content that Captures Hearts (and Minds).

Become the Star of the Show: Delivering with Confidence

You are the star of your virtual show, and your authenticity and enthusiasm are the spotlight. Speak clearly and confidently, adjusting your tone for emphasis. Remember, eye contact with the camera builds connection.

Utilise natural gestures and facial expressions to engage your audience, and weave in stories, humour, and personal anecdotes to leave a lasting impression.

How to Create and Deliver Amazing Virtual Presentations

Engage Your Audience: Make it Interactive!

Virtual presentations are bursting with potential to go beyond a one-way information dump. Embrace this potential and transform your presentation into a shared experience with these interactive tools and techniques:

Spark real-time discussion:

    • Live polls and quizzes: Use platforms like Mentimeter or Kahoot! to instantly gauge audience understanding and inject playful competition. Ask multiple-choice questions about key points, conduct polls on audience preferences, or even run live trivia related to your topic.
    • Word clouds: Tools like Slido allow the audience to anonymously contribute keywords or phrases on a specific topic. Watch the word cloud evolve in real-time, generating discussion and revealing shared perspectives.

Break the ice and encourage participation:

    • Open-ended Q&A: Don’t wait for the end. Throughout your presentation, pose thought-provoking questions using chat features or Q&A tools. Respond directly to audience queries, fostering a dynamic dialogue and keeping everyone engaged.
    • Virtual whiteboards: Platforms like Miro allow real-time collaborative brainstorming. Present a central question or prompt, and let the audience contribute ideas and build upon each other’s thoughts, fostering creativity and teamwork.

Go beyond visuals:

    • Live demonstrations: Don’t just describe, show! Conduct live product demos, software walkthroughs, or even interactive case studies to bring your message to life and keep your audience visually stimulated.
    • Gamification: Platforms like GooseChase offer scavenger hunts and interactive challenges related to your presentation theme. Encourage friendly competition and exploration, motivating audience participation and reinforcing key learning points.

Remember, the key is to choose tools that align with your content and audience. Don’t overload your presentation with gimmicks, but strategically integrate interactive elements to create a dynamic and memorable experience for all.

Embrace the Virtual Stage: Conclusion

Virtual presentations are a powerful platform for connection and inspiration. By acknowledging the challenges, leveraging the digital advantages, and incorporating these tips, you can create presentations that resonate and leave a lasting impact.

So experiment, get creative, and most importantly, be yourself. Your passion and authenticity are your greatest assets.

Ready to take your virtual presenting skills to the next level?

Explore these valuable resources:

How to Avoid “Death by PowerPoint Presentation” – Virtually – Blog.

How to Improve Your Presentation Skills – Infographic.

Remember, the virtual stage awaits! Go forth and captivate your audience with your amazing presentations.


Leadership Development Professional & Management Professional Development Soft Skills

Strategies for Dealing with Conflict

Strategies for Dealing with Conflict

Workplace conflict is an inevitable occurrence that can disrupt productivity, erode team cohesion, and even impact job satisfaction. However, the presence of conflict doesn’t have to spell disaster. With the right strategies, conflicts can be managed constructively, fostering growth and enhancing collaboration among team members. Here are some effective approaches.

  1. Open Communication:

The foundation of conflict resolution lies in open and honest communication. Encouraging all involved to express their perspectives and concerns can help unearth the root causes of the conflict. Active listening is crucial in this phase, as it demonstrates respect for each individual’s viewpoint. A safe environment where everyone feels heard promotes understanding and paves the way for finding common ground.

  1. Address Issues Early:

Procrastination in dealing with conflicts often make the situation worse. Tackling conflicts as soon as they arise prevents them from worsening and becoming more complex. Timely intervention allows for quick resolution and minimises the negative impact for all.

  1. Neutral Mediation:

In cases where conflicts appear are complicated, involving a neutral mediator can be really helpful. They can objectively assess the situation, facilitate discussions, and guide all towards a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation encourages compromise and ensures that everyone’s concerns are taken into account.

  1. Focus on Interests, Not Positions:

Strategies for Dealing with Conflict


During conflict resolution, it’s common for individuals to become fixated on their positions. A more effective approach is to shift the focus towards identifying underlying interests. By addressing these interests, solutions can be created that meet everyone’s needs without compromising on key issues.

  1. Collaborative Problem Solving:

Encouraging collaborative problem-solving. By working together to find solutions, individuals can pool their strengths and creativity to generate outcomes that benefit all. This approach fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility for the team’s success.

  1. Constructive Feedback:

Offering feedback constructively is vital to conflict resolution. Be specific about behaviours or actions, rather than making general accusations. Frame the feedback in a way that highlights the impact of the behaviour and focuses on finding ways to improve moving forward.

  1. Respect Differences:

Strategies for Dealing with Conflict

Encourage an environment where differences are respected and valued. Acknowledging that some disagreements can lead to innovative solutions can help reduce tension and foster a culture of collaboration.

  1. Set Clear Boundaries:

Establishing clear boundaries and expectations for behaviour can prevent conflicts from arising. When individuals know what is considered acceptable and unacceptable, they are more likely to respect these boundaries, minimising the potential for misunderstandings and disputes.

  1. Training and Development:

Providing training in conflict resolution skills equips team members and leaders with the tools needed to address conflicts effectively. These skills include active listening, assertive communication, negotiation, and emotional intelligence. Investing in such training can have a long-lasting positive impact on the team’s overall dynamics.

  1. Learn from Conflict:

Rather than viewing conflict as a negative experience, approach it as an opportunity for growth. After resolving a conflict, take the time to reflect on what was learned and how the team can avoid similar conflicts in the future. Continuous improvement based on past experiences can lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment.


Workplace conflict is challenging, but it can be managed. Conflict resolution isn’t about erasing differences; it’s about harnessing those differences to create a stronger, more united team.

Further Reading

Effective Communication Skills. 3 tips to address Conflict

Five Vital Skills for Project Managers – Leadership