Management Training Professional & Management Professional Development

The 4 stages of successful Negotiation

Negotiating tactics

Negotiation consists of 4 stages:

  • Prepare: what do we want?
  • Discuss: what do they want?
  • Propose: what could we trade
  • Bargain: what will we trade?

The last 3 stages unfold across the negotiating table, but the first one always happens in advance.

You need to be well prepared to ensure maximum productivity;

  • know what you want from the negotiation (the goal)
  • how you’re going to achieve it (tactics).
Negotiation Skills Training STL London
negotiation training

I firmly believe that the success or failure of your negotiation is determined long before you walk into the room and start talking!

Let’s consider some of the negotiation tactics available to you:

Wheat and chaff

One party loads their demands with chaff (low priority items, which they pretend are a high priority for them), which they intend to concede later in exchange for the wheat (the true high priority items, what they really want from the negotiation).


Salami is sold in thin slices, so in the negotiation you get what you want little by little.


Make the other party aware that you have other proposals to consider from third parties. So, if we can’t do a deal with you…

The wooden leg

During the negotiation, one party indicates that they are suffering from a limitation or constraint that makes further movement impossible, for example “The price is non-negotiable. We can’t move on that”.


Use your body language and demeanour to indicate that the other party is failing to impress you.

Delay or stalling

The other party will have a deadline, so if you can find out what theirs is, or create one for them, you gain the advantage. If you know that they have to reach an agreement today, then suggest ending the meeting as you need to do some research, but you’d be very happy to meet again next week?

Walking out

A tactic designed to show that you have reached your absolute limit; a point beyond which you cannot go because the deal is not worth doing for you or your organisation. Before you begin negotiating, you should establish your WAP (walking away point). It acts as a safety net. If you are buying, it sets the highest price you are able to pay – you cannot go above it, you simply don’t have the funds. If selling, it represents the lowest price you are prepared to accept. Below it, the deal is not worth doing. We do not negotiate at any cost. If you do walk out, make sure you have alternative parties to negotiate with (see Competition).

Limited authority

This tactic allows one party to stall the negotiation, buy some time, or to say no without causing offence. If the other party is trying to push you beyond your WAP,  just tell them that you don’t have the authority to make that decision. Sorry!

The Russian front

This involves putting forward 2 proposals, one with much worse consequences than the other. The title originates from World War 2, when it was used to motivate German soldiers, i.e. “I’ll go anywhere, but please don’t send me to the Russian front!”

The nibble

One party throws in a final demand just as agreement is in sight. They are banking on the other party giving the concession away cheaply to avoid rocking the boat at such a late stage.

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If we are well prepared for a negotiation, then the rest of the process should be more efficient and straightforward. Before you sit down at the table, be clear about your goal then select and apply the right tactics in order to achieve it. Which of these tactics do you think could make the difference to your next strategic negotiation?

Leadership Development Management Training Professional Development

How Heuristics can improve your Decision Making

Decision making – is it mind over matter?

How can we decide?

Use heuristics to make decision making easier
Decision making can be difficult, so use heuristics to help

German psychologist, Gerd Gigerenzer, identified ‘heuristics’ as tools for smart decision making in times of uncertainty. Allied to intuition, he argues, it is the subconscious mind which decides what our choice will be, given the overwhelming number of options available to us.

What are heuristics?

Heuristics are an efficient, cognitive process, conscious or unconscious, which tend to ignore part of the information available to us. This saves time and effort when making decisions. Some believe that this implies a greater degree of error than those decisions made by ‘reason’. They will ask when the rational models are not being met, “which heuristics are being used in which situation? (for there are many)” and “when should people rely on a given heuristic rather than on a complex strategy to solve problems?

Gigerenzer reviewed research, testing formal models of heuristic inference, including those in business organisations, healthcare, and legal institutions. This research indicated that individuals and organisations often rely on simple heuristics in an adaptive way. By ignoring part of the information, we are led to more accurate judgements.

How heuristics sway your decisions?

Big business uses these filter methods, becoming adept at marketing that will urge us to make a decision in their favour. Usually by adding an option which the mind will have to dismiss. For example:

a) overwhelming in choices to be made

b) not at all useful when compared to the other choices

Dan Ariely explains this in more detail in his video:

Are we in control of our decisions? | Dan Ariely

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Check-in with intuition

Even if we are sure our reasonable analyses have led us to the best decision, it is still worth checking on our intuition before we act – that warm feeling or tingle when something ‘feels’ right. If not, the unconscious can “sabotage” anything which does not sit comfortably with us. Since the unconscious mind is the arbiter over what decisions we make, we would be wise to be open to collaboration with it. If we assume that the body is made up of millions of intelligent cells, we can ask our subconscious to assist us in coming to a decision.

An unconscious collaboration

Try this technique when you have one of two choices to make:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
  • Hold out your hands, palms upwards, as if you are receiving a gift
  • Now visualise each choice, one in the left hand, the other in the right
  • State to yourself: “This option in my left hand is the right course of action”
  • If the hand raises slightly, it is indicative of a positive response. If it drops, the option is negative
  • Then do the same with the other hand.

You now have a decision based on intuitive responses. This can also work if you stand upright and imagine a light passing through the top of your head and down the spine.

  • Think of situation #1 and state to yourself “this option will serve me in the best way”
  • If you have visualised clearly, the body leans forwards (yes); backwards (no)
  • Do the same with option #2

This is how the unconscious can support a decision. These are valuable additions to our repertoire of skills in effective decision making. They can boost productivity and performance. Whereas we may have procrastinated before in uncertainty, now we have techniques to help us choose with greater confidence.