9 Tips for Powerful and Memorable Presentations

People often ask us on our Presentation Skills courses, how to I upgrade my presentation from just being good, to being memorable? In a word, Confidence. 

It doesn’t matter too much which level your presentations are aimed at, whether you’re pitching a potential client, presenting to the board of directors or even your own internal team; If you present with confidence, you will find it much easier to make sure your presentation lands as you want it to.  

We’ve put together the following 9 tips. By following them, you’ll be able to deliver your next presentation with much more confidence!  

Understanding the Power of Confidence

Confidence is not about being flawless; it’s about embracing your strengths and conveying a sense of assurance. Recognise that nerves are natural and can even enhance your performance when channeled positively. Confidence is a mindset that can be developed through practice and self-awareness. 

Powerful and Memorable Presentations

Preparation is Key

Confidence often stems from knowing your material inside out. Thoroughly research and organise your content, ensuring a logical flow. Anticipate potential questions and prepare concise, well-informed responses. The more you know your subject matter, the more confident you’ll appear to your audience. 

Connect with Your Audience

Establishing a connection with your audience fosters a sense of familiarity and ease. Begin with a relatable anecdote, story, or pose a thought-provoking question. Engage your audience by maintaining eye contact and acknowledging their presence. A connected audience is more likely to respond positively. 

Mind Your Body Language

Your body language speaks volumes. Maintain an upright posture, gesture purposefully, and use movement thoughtfully. Projecting confidence through your body language not only influences how others perceive you but can also boost your self-assurance during the presentation. 

Powerful and Memorable Presentations

Speak Clearly and Slowly: 

Communicate your words clearly and maintain a steady pace. Speaking too quickly may convey nervousness, while a slower pace exudes confidence and allows your audience to absorb the information. Practice enunciation to ensure your message is conveyed with precision. 

Harness the Power of Visualisation: 

Visualisation is a powerful tool to boost confidence. Before your presentation, take a moment to visualise yourself delivering a successful and impactful talk. Imagine the positive reactions from your audience and the feeling of accomplishment. This mental rehearsal can help reduce anxiety and increase your confidence. 

Embrace Positive Self-Talk: 

Your inner dialogue significantly influences your outward demeanour. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of past successes and focus on your strengths. Positive self-talk reinforces your belief in your ability to deliver a compelling presentation. 

Invite Questions and Feedback: 

Welcoming questions and feedback during or after your presentation demonstrates confidence in your knowledge and openness to dialogue. Be prepared to address queries with poise and view feedback as an opportunity for growth. The ability to handle questions effectively enhances your overall confidence as a presenter. 

Powerful and Memorable Presentations

Learn from Every Experience: 

Every presentation is a learning opportunity. Reflect on each experience, identify what worked well, and pinpoint areas for improvement. Continuous learning and adaptation contribute to an evolving and increasingly confident presentation style. 


Presenting confidently is a journey of self-discovery and skill refinement. By incorporating these tips into your preparation and delivery, you can elevate your confidence levels and captivate your audience. Remember, confidence is not about being flawless but about embracing your authenticity and conveying your message with conviction. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill 


Engagement And Motivation: Turning Apathy Into Productivity

Highly productive people are motivated, engaged, and willing to go the extra mile. They care about the quality of their work, their colleagues, and the success of the company. They know this reflects on them.


People generally feel this way on the first day of their new job when they are excited. They want to make a good impression and are ready for a fresh start. However, maintaining this level of engagement is entirely in the hands of managers. Get it right and you have a happy and productive team. Get it wrong and the general attitude will be ‘Why should I?’

Getting it right takes continuous and consistent management. Here are some tips to help you turn apathy into productivity.

Engaging People

People perform better when they feel they are part of something important and worthwhile, and that their role has a clear purpose. Take the time to explain how each person’s work contributes to the goals and objectives of both the team and the organisation, and the value of what they are doing.


Motivating People

Highly motivated employees tend to work harder and focus on completing their tasks to the best of their abilities. This results in better productivity and efficiency.

Find out what motivates individuals and use this insight to explain what’s in it for them. Focus on the positive consequences of doing something rather than the negative consequences if they don’t.

Provide continuous, helpful feedback to encourage people to develop and do well. Nothing motivates more than that feeling of achievement.


Generating Willingness

People can have the skills, but do they have the will? For example, do they have the willingness to stay late to meet a deadline, adapt quickly to changing situations or look for better and innovative solutions to problems? Allow people to use their initiative and give them the freedom where possible to make their own decisions. Having ownership increases willingness – avoid directing all the time. Show appreciation when people go the extra mile but don’t take advantage of that willingness or you will quickly lose it.

Creating a Team Who Care

If you actively make sure that your people feel cared about, they are more likely to return it in kind by caring about the company, their colleagues, and their work. In addition, if people feel trusted, they will want to repay that trust by doing their best. Showing empathy and understanding when a person has a problem, being dependable, and demonstrating that you have that person’s best interest at heart will go a long way to help them feel that you genuinely care.

Apply some of these tips to help you to create a positive work environment where people feel listened to, appreciated and respected, and are more likely to say, ‘what more can I do?’ rather than ‘why should I?’