How to Plan A Presentation

If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail!

How to Plan A Presentation
How to Plan A Presentation
How to plan a presentation

The success or failure of a presentation is determined long before you walk into the venue and try to engage the audience. Let’s consider how you can plan your presentation effectively, making it as relevant, concise and targeted for your audience as possible. They’ll really appreciate your efforts!

If you struggle with planning, it’s really all about the 6 essential planning questions: why, who, what, where, when and how?

If you can answer these in relation to your presentation, you have a plan!
WHY? Let’s start here.

Why are you delivering the presentation – what’s your goal or objective? What are you trying to achieve? You need to know this! Presentations usually have one of two purposes – they’re either informative or persuasive. You’re telling or you’re selling. In fact, you’re always selling. You’re selling you. And if the audience buy you, they’ll buy what you’re saying!

If you’re telling, the aim could be to inform, update, advise, explain, clarify, teach, thank or congratulate the audience members. If you’re selling, the goal is to influence and persuade, to gain their willing buy-in and cooperation for whatever you are selling. This might be a product or service, or a new system or process, or way of thinking.

Make sure you are clear regarding the purpose of your presentation.

It’s time to KYA – know your audience! Another vital part of the planning process.

What would be useful to know about them?

• How many people will you be presenting to? Useful to know for room logistics, and your own nervousness!
• Who are they? Internal or external to the company? Colleagues, customers or suppliers? Levels of knowledge regarding the topic will vary greatly. Don’t tell them what they already know, or don’t need to know!
• Consider age and status within the company – will you use a formal, or quite informal delivery style?
• Have you presented to this audience before, and how did it go? Was it well received? Did you listen to the feedback and act on it?


This question is all about the content of your presentation – what will you cover? You want the content to be relevant and targeted for your audience, so it’s time to use the following equation: why + who = what! You know why you are presenting, and to whom, which will help you to determine what to include. Some presenters focus too much on the ‘what’ question, without considering ‘why’ and ‘who’.

They brainstorm potential content and end up with far too much information, and no idea what to leave out!


This is about venue considerations. Do your homework – what can you find out about the room? Factors include the size, shape and layout, location, accessibility, resources available (projector, flipchart?), lighting, heating and refreshments. Find out what you can prior to presenting – it’s one less thing to worry about!


When are you presenting? The morning is better, because after lunch the audience will find a siesta more appealing than listening to you! Also, in your introduction, let them know about timings and breaks.


Finally, think about how you’re going to deliver the presentation. This includes your delivery style, formal or informal, what you’re going to wear, and any resources needed, for example visual aids, handouts or a microphone.


Some people struggle with planning a presentation, but it really is short-term sacrifice for long-term benefit. For your presentation, make sure you can answer the why, who, what, where, when and how questions. Remember, proper planning and preparation prevents poor presentation performance!

Learning the art of Successful Selling

clinching those important sales deals

Struggling to meet your monthly sales targets? Learning from the experts may be just what you need! STL offers a  Successful Selling course to a wide range of organisations, from IT and Banking to Sporting Facilities and TV Stations. To increase any company’s profitability, a key ingredient is learning the art of successful selling.

Human Resources and Learning and Development departments select this course because many of their employees need to improve their ability to close more deals. Hence, the course is designed for people who are either starting out in sales or those who want to recharge their existing skills and experience.

After this one-day workshop, delegates will have gained the fundamental skills necessary to understand clients’ needs and deal with clients’ objections.

Learning the art of Successful Selling

Benefits of the course

Companies want their staff to employ techniques and strategies to help them gain:

  • Increased confidence in the art of selling.
  • Improved standards of procedure for building customer relationships
  • Increase in a positive mindset, self-confidence and professionalism.
  • Improved questioning and listening skills.
  • Developing the confidence to up-sell, cross-sell and substitute sell .
  • Demonstrate the ability to understand Customers’ requirements and present perfectly aligned solutions.
  • Improved techniques in handling concerns and objections, and increased confidence in closing the sale.
Valuable Learning Outcomes

The Successful Selling course blends theory and practice to great effect so that the learning is embedded. People learn in different ways. Therefore, once a topic has been introduced, there will be time for group discussion, where ideas, experiences, and real-life situations can be shared.

Following this, delegates get to work together on a practical exercise. This involves applying the skills, techniques, and top tips they have learned, in a safe environment.

One of the biggest benefits of the course is that there are delegates from a wide range of industries.  They openly share their hopes, experiences and challenges in terms of successful selling. Delegates always learn a huge amount from each other.

Delegates have the chance to reflect on their own most important attributes which would make them successful salespeople. In addition, they can identify their current  limitations in terms of mindset. They are also able to list the particular skills they need to improve their listening ability. Attendees gain the ability to make a strong first impression with potential customers.

Throughout the course, delegates work on these areas through discussion, practice, and learning by doing.


Those attending get the opportunity to practice role-play . In this way, they can gain valuable feedback about what they are doing well and what they still need to improve.

One of the most important aspects of this course is learning how to deal with objections when selling.


Usually, potential clients or customers will have some objections. The ability for a salesperson to uncover a customer’s hidden needs and professionally and assertively deal with objections is a key factor in their ability to close deals and be successful. 

Feedback on the course

 “ The Trainer was very experienced in sales and managing sales teams and his expertise and stories really added value to the workshop. “

“ The tips and techniques and especially role-play practice and feedback was really valuable for me. “

“ Really useful day of training. Thanks STL”

The key to successful business growth and profitability is in learning the art of successful selling.