Do Poor Organisational Skills Affect Your Business Profits?

Did you know that in a recent survey conducted by a leading British University, Organisational Skills came out as the 3rd most important skill sought by employers in the UK?

Organisational training skills are amongst the most transferable and valuable in any marketplace and they allow professionals to plan, prioritise and achieve as part of meeting their objectives and goals.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development have also stated that the art of planning and organising is becoming increasingly prevalent with demand for training courses on this topic are in high demand.

organisational skills

There are 3 main skills which fall under the banner of Organisational skills which employers seek:

  1. Physical Organisation
  2. Planning
  3. Teamwork

It goes far beyond simply having a clear desk but also a clear mind and a clear vision to how to achieve their goals. You can nearly always tell the well organised professionals when they enter a room by their appearance, how they communicate, how they present their written communication or how they prepare for a meeting, an interview or an event.

Let’s face it, you do not need to be a Project Manager in order to have strong organisational skills yet the demand in the job marketplace has never been higher.


According to The Guardian Jobs website, the question, ‘How do you manage your time and plan for your day?’ is one of the most asked by interviewers.

A plan can be as simple as deciding which part of my car do I wash first or as complicated and detailed as charting a corporate strategy for the next 4 years for a leading multi-national.

Unless you have an effective plan in place, a goal might as well be a wish. Every project will have a timeline to adhere to and will require anticipation of resources available along with regular communication and updates for stakeholders. Strong Organisational Skills will need to be drawn on in order to build an effective, workable plan of action that can be managed and executed on time and on budget. The questions need to be asked, does your business have the right personnel in place to think, plan and organise effectively?

Do they draw on Business Intelligence, use business data and data trends to help in their decision making or they follow their instinct?

Are they skilfully adept and working efficiently at problem solving, program management, project management and strategy planning?


In a well-oiled team, all members work to their strengths and are assigned accordingly. Providing the appropriate delegation of these tasks can save on time and profits as a project in the wrong hands can have far reaching cost-related consequences.

Well organised people will understand and maintain the structure of the wider teams of which they are a part.

In order to maintain commitments to their people, all businesses must deliver on their promises of providing professional development to their people in order to assist them in reaching their potential and playing their part in keeping the business profitable.

These skills all form part of a long-term development plan, so it is important to set clear goals to keep on track. Our motivation course can help with this.


3 Tips to Better Time Management


One of our most precious commodities is ‘time’. We often find ourselves believing that we don’t have enough hours in the day to complete all the tasks we have.

This post examines this mindset and provides three tips for better time management; how to prioritise effectively in order to achieve what’s important whilst learning to identify, and let go of, those things that are not.

3 Tips to Better Time Management with time management training 

What is Time Management?

Time Management is the process of organising and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder, leading to increases in efficiency and productivity.

How can you improve your Time Management?

There are many techniques to help you to improve the way you manage your time. Below are three for you to try, which can also be covered by attending one of our time management courses:

Prioritise tasks (Be ruthless!)

Sometimes we all allow ourselves to get overloaded with the sheer number of tasks we have agreed to complete. To prevent this, we can allocate a simple measurement that allows us to prioritise:

Importance: (A=high, B=medium, C=low)

Urgency: (1=high, 2=medium, 3=low)

Always work on the most urgent and important goals and tasks (A1) first, and then move on down your list. Don’t be afraid to reach a point with your list where you make decisions as to whether you should do the goals and tasks at all.

Pareto’s Law (The 80/20 rule)

Pareto reminds us that 80% of results come from 20% of actions. It’s a way of focusing our minds when it comes to making decisions.

We ask ourselves whether, or not, we’re concentrating on the 20% of activities that provide the 80% of desired results. If we’re not, we take steps to change what we’re doing until we are.

Using the 4D System (Stop procrastinating)
  • Drop it: What is the impact of not doing the task at all? Consider the 80/20 rule; maybe it doesn’t need to be done.
  • Delegate it: If the task is important, ask yourself if it’s really something that you are responsible for doing. Can the task be given to someone else?
  • Delay:If the task is one that can’t be completed quickly and is not high priority, simply delay it.
  • Do: Postponing an important task that needs to be done only creates feelings of anxiety and stress. Do it now!
In Summary:

In this post we’ve defined what Time Management is and explored three techniques for getting better at it. Some people will be naturally drawn to one of the techniques referenced, other people might be comfortable with all three.

Whatever works for you is ok, the really important thing is to commit to the choice to improve how you manage your time and to keep working at it. The key is to keep checking in with yourself:
  • Are you working smarter, not harder?
  • Are you more efficient in the way you manage tasks?
  • Are you able to be more productive, whilst doing less tasks?
  • Do you need to attend some time management training?