Set your spell checker to UK English from American English

Sometimes the spell check function can work to your disadvantage.  A typo may still make a recognisable word, (like form and from)  and so mistakes can slip through the net. Usually spell check will do a red underline to highlight typos, but your spell checker setting may not be customised to your needs.

For example, if your keyboard is set to American English, it can make slight alterations to what you type. For example, in words such as ‘realised’, spell checker may change the ‘s’ to ‘z’ to form the US preferred ‘realized’.

If you would like to be free of such interruptions, then it is a simple process to banish these problems.

In pre-2007 versions of Word, the simplest way to disable these pesky underlines is to right-click the Spelling & Grammar icon (a figure of an open book) and there will appear a Context menu from where you can switch the error display feature off (and on again later).

In Word 2007 click the Office button then select Word Options and click Proofing. From here you can change the settings to have the spelling and grammar checking on or off.

So now you can opt to have the spell checker on or off to suit your own preference. If you do find the appearance of the spell checker underlines distracting, then your best bet is probably to have it switched off as you type that all-important document, but then switch it on to see the errors it picks up.  Find out more on Word 2007 training via

Zooming in on a document using the mouse in Word 2010

A colleague taught me this…took all of ten seconds to learn and I use it all the time.

You can quickly zoom in or out of a document, part of a document, or even an object in a document…without using the ribbon.

by using your mouse….

To zoom in
Hold down on the control button, and roll the mouse wheel forwards to zoom in.
To zoom out,
Hold down the control key and roll the mouse wheel backwards to zoom out.

It’s very easy, quick and brilliant for selecting text to see it in more detail, edit it, etc…

This tip is also relevant to Word 2007 training and Word 2003.