Tips for Quick Problem Solving and Powerful Decision Making

Despite the increased use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in creative thinking, problem solving and decision making are still some of the most in-demand skills needed by professionals in the workplace to maximise efficiency, productivity and both team and individual performance.

This article will explore 4 tips to help you solve problems quicker and make more effective decisions.

4 Tips to improve Problem Solving and Decision Making skills

4 Tips to improve Problem Solving and Decision Making skills

Define a clear problem statement

When trying to solve challenges, it is important to be clear of the issue that needs to addressed. An important first step is to write a clear problem statement. This is a critical 2nd step in the Design Thinking process developed at Stanford University.

According to the method, “A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state of a process or product. Focusing on the facts, the problem statement should be designed to address the Five Ws.“

Draw a Fishbone diagram

 A fishbone diagram, sometimes called a cause and effect diagram or an Ishikawa diagram, is a visual tool to understand the potential causes of a problem to help identify its root cause.

You can also use this diagram to ask Why? 5 times to try to understand more deeply why the problem occurred.

Benefits of a fishbone diagram include the following:
  • Highly visual brainstorming tool which can spark further examples of root causes.
  • Quickly identify if the root cause is found multiple times in the same or different causal tree.
  • Allows one to see all causes simultaneously. 
Brainstorm effectively

 Most people have heard of brainstorming and have taken part in a brainstorming session, however few do it effectively.

When brainstorming ideas, it is critical to not judge the ideas just write down as many as possible. The only person to ever win the Nobel Prize twice Dr Linus Pauling said “to have a good idea you need to have lots of ideas. “Too many people make the mistake of trying to think of one magic solution.

Furthermore, in order to facilitate the brainstorming process, it is far better to stand up around a flipchart or a whiteboard rather than sit down around a meeting table. It is scientifically proven that we are more creative when we stand up or move around as the blood flows faster in our body. 

Draw a Mind Map

Another great technique to solve problems, think creatively and to help you make decisions is mind maps. Research suggests that our brains work by connecting one idea to the next. Mind Mapping your thoughts will help you see the whole picture. See below 5 simple steps to draw a mind map:

  1. Take a piece of paper and turn it sideways – rectangle shape.
  2. Write your main idea or topic in the middle of the page.
  3. Then write other ideas that branch out from this main topic or idea.
  4. Use key words or as much detail as you like.
  5. Use different colours and images if you wish.

There isn’t just one approach to problem solving, and there certainly isn’t just one answer or decision. But imagine how much time you could save by tuning up your problem-solving skills… the sky is the limit! So try something new next time you’re faced with a challenge or a difficult decision.

To learn more about this topic, try reading our:

Ten Ways to Master Problem-Solving and Decision-Making