Management Mavericks - Leaders Who Broke The Mould

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Management Mavericks - Leaders Who Broke The Mould

There are certain leaders in the world of business who stand apart from the rest, who are looked up to by many as examples of how to break the mould. It’s often the mindset of these people that make them different from conventional business leaders, and in other circumstances you might not think of them as natural heads of business. However, they have got to where they are because they are different. They have the combination of vision and tenacity, plus a bit of luck and timing, to get to the top of the management tree.

A lot of company directors historically have been seen as strong, but safe, afraid to introduce new concepts or ways of working. In turn, this tied in with very safe, traditional companies that were often owned and run by generations of the same family. However, the internet age has brought about an incredible change, disrupting these traditional industries. Along with this, the visionaries who created these companies have become powerful business leaders, but were often masters of their own industry before becoming managers. Larry Page of Google is a computer scientist, Tim Cook of Apple is an industrial engineer, and Elon Musk hold qualifications in both economics and a PhD in Physics.

This gives the new generation of management a maverick twist, being young, intelligent and unafraid of change. This often creates fantastically creative and interesting working environments, further fostering the culture of creativity. Have a look at our selection of management mavericks below. Could you be one in the future?

Management Mavericks - Leaders Who Broke the Mould

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