advanced excel seminar training - supply chain accountant

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advanced excel seminar training - Supply Chain Accountant

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Dushyant has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Supply Chain Accountant

Need assistance printing. Printing to fit a page.

Thank you

RE: Supply Chain Accountant

To fit printing to a single page, there is an option in the page setup menu.
Depending what program you are using, the options may be slightly different. I will assume that you are using Excel for this example.

Select FILE, then PAGE SETUP.
Look at the SCALING options

There are two choices:

- Adjust to a %
- Fit to page.

The easiest way of forcing all your printing onto one page is to select the FIT TO PAGE option, and then specifying how many pages you want to print on.

1 Page Wide by 1 Page Tall = 1 page only
1 Page Wide by 2 Page Tall = 2 pages one underneath the other
2 Page Wide by 1 Page Tall = 2 pages one next tp the other


Excel tip:

Use Paint Brush to Format More than one Cell

To copy a format to many cells or ranges

1. Select the cell with the format that you want to copy

2. Double-click on the paint brush

When you move to the cell where you want to paste the format you will notice that a paint brush follows the cursor.

Paste the format to all the cells or ranges you need to format.

When finished go back to the paint brush on the tool bar and single click on it to deactivate the function.

View all Excel hints and tips

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