excel training - d formulas


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excel training - 3-D formulas

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

3-D formulas

I went on the intermediate Excel course and we discussed 3-D formulas. I am trying to do the exercises again but I am getting stuck.

My main question is how to create a 3-D formula?

I am using the 2003 version of Excel and I can't see the "save workspace" option. I also have read only files and am wondering whether this is restricitng me from creating the formula.

I am looking forward to your feedback.



RE: 3-D formulas

Hi Adriaan,

Thanks for the question

3D Formulas you can create by just pressing = in the destination of your formula and as long as you have you other spreadsheets open you should be able to highlight into the cells that you want to add and press enter. 3D just means you can include cell references on other sheets and other workbooks.

The save workspace option should be under the File menu and it is common on the 2003 version.

What specifically do you have a problem with regarding the 3D formulas?


RE: 3-D formulas

Hi Tracy,

I am currently doing exercise 2 and have opened the practise sales 1999-2000 xls and product.xls. I have activated the report worksheet and I am trying to create the formula for calculating total sales: qty sold x price.

I am getting the following formula:

=Report!B5*'[Product.xls]Product details'!$C$5

I basically went into the Report sheet and did the following:

1) typed the = sign to start the formula
2 Highlighted Cell B5 in the practise sales (Casia - North). This got automatically transferred to the Report sheet.

3) Typed * for the multiplication

4) Copied Cell C5 of the Product document and pressed Enter.

I didn't get an answer. I know I have forgotten something and I can't figure out what. Can you help me?

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