excel lookup tables


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Excel: Lookup Tables v. Pivot Tables

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Excel: Lookup Tables v. Pivot Tables

Can you explain when I should use a Lookup table versus a when I should use a Pivot table?

RE: Excel: Lookup Tables v. Pivot Tables

Hi Greta

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

A lookup is typically used to extract a piece of data from a cell within a database/list; whereas a pivot table is used to summarise/analyse data which is stored in a database/list in a table/matrix format.

We cover VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and pivot tables on our Excel Advanced course.

I hope this helps.

Wed 28 Jan 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Formula for last day of month

In some cases it is necessary to find the last day of a month for a given date. If you use the following formula, you can achieve this, ie; if you have a column of dates, use this formula to find the end of month for each day by using the fill handle. The formula is as follows, and assumes in this example that the first date in question is in cell C5, in any other cell type; =DATE(YEAR(C5),MONTH(C5)+1,1)-1

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