5 Things You Didn’t Know Excel VBA Could Do

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5 Things You Didn’t Know Excel VBA Could Do

5 Things You Didn’t Know Excel VBA Could Do

Excel alone is a powerful piece of software, but the addition of the Visual Basic programming environment opens up a vast swathe of new possibilities. It takes Excel from a calculation and graphing tool to a connected program that can import and export data from multiple sources, only limited by the imagination and programming skills of a user (potentially self-taught or having attended a VBA course for example).

In this infographic we examine some of the more unusual things done with Excel and VBA – from useful tips and tricks to functions you might not have even known possible. Learn more about Excel training spreadsheet and VBA training courses.

We also look at how the Internet has taken this on and run wild with some of the more useless, but nonetheless impressive, things done with this program. Have a look and learning VBA may be next on your professional training list!

5 Things You Didn’t Know Excel VBA Could Do


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