nlp content bargaining vs

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Forum home » Delegate support and help forum » Microsoft Office general help » NLP content, Bargaining vs. negotiating

NLP content, Bargaining vs. negotiating

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

John has attended:
Skype for Business course

NLP content, Bargaining vs. negotiating

Will contact, thanks

RE: NLP content, Bargaining vs. negotiating

Hi John,

I've passed this on to Richard and Luke and they will follow up with you as required.

I'm going to close this forum question as they'll contact you directly.



Microsoft Office tip:

Short cut tips

Instead of just seeing the default setting of screentip names, when you place the mouse pointer over the toolbar, you can also see the keyboard short cut for accessing the button as well.

To this click on Tools, Customise, options tab.

Under Other you will see the option of Show shortkeys in screentip

View all Microsoft Office hints and tips

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