Extreme Testing for Soft Skills

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Extreme Testing for Soft Skills

Soft skills are becoming more and more valued by employers, and are seen by many as what makes candidates really stand out above the competition. As most employers are planing to invest in development of their new hires, via on-the-job experience and through internal as well as soft skills training providers, they are looking for a safe bet on their next hire.

However, soft skills can be hard to effectively test, and potential employees know employers are looking out for them, so can give a false impression just for the interview. So, in the quest to seek out truly good employees, companies around the world are going to more and more extreme lengths to test soft skills. Yes, these examples may seem really out there but you never know when you may be called into an unexpected scenario, so be prepared! (produced by STL, one of several soft skill training companies in London)

Soft Skills Training Providers

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