duplicated information

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Duplicated information

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2013

Lilian has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Duplicated information


I`ve been asked if its possible to create a function with the criteria that will advise if there are duplicated information.


ColumnD ColumnE (need to create a function)
W6UTE9 Match
WD6Y5V Match

Is it possible?

Many Thanks

RE: Duplicated information

Hi Lillian

Thank you for using our forum

Have you tried using conditional formatting? It won't mark it with the word match but it will mark all duplicate entries a certain colour making it easier to identify.

Another method you could use is sorting the data by Column D and in Column E use an IF statement to check if it's a duplicate and if it is to add the word match


Though this option would only work if you kept the data sorted

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

Thu 31 May 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Status Bar Functions

When using the SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE and COUNT functions, the result of such calculations are displayed in the worksheet.

However, if a range of cells, containing numbers, is highlighted, and then a right-mouse click is performed at the bottom right side of the status bar, then the result of those functions will be displayed.

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