excel xp training - vlookup

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excel xp training - Vlookup

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Jennifer has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Excel Advanced course


What reason is there that my vlookup finds some data but not others? Could this be something to do with cell formatting?


RE: Vlookup

Hi Jennifer

Do you get any error messages coming up in your spreadsheet in the cells where the Vlookup is not working properly?

Perhaps if you could provide a bit more information about your problem we might be able to solve it.


RE: Vlookup

I think that you may get the wrong results by not having the last (optional) part of the formula that allows the table to be in ANY order rather than strict numerical/alphabetical. Without it, it will find the first/closest match then stop.


Excel tip:

Viewing Many Worksheets

If there are more worksheets in your workbook than there is room to show all their tabs at the bottom of the screen - Right click on the navigation arrows. A list of all your worksheets is shown. You just click on the one that you want to access. If you have more than 15 worksheets, select in the list and choose your worksheet from hundreds.

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