pivot tables


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Pivot Tables

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2003

Stuart has attended:
PowerPoint Introduction course

Pivot Tables

Is there any way of inserting a pivot table into a presentation?

RE: Pivot Tables

Hi Stuart

Thanks for your question - yes you can. Select your pivot table in Excel and copy it (Edit > Copy) then in PowerPoint choose Edit > Paste to produce an image of the table or choose Edit > Paste Special and paste the workbook into the chart. This enables you to edit the pivot table in the slide at a later date.

Kind regards,

Tue 10 Feb 2009: Automatically marked as resolved.


PowerPoint tip:

How to create an invisible Hyperlink

Draw a shape onto your slide covering the text you would want to use as your hyperlink. Insert your hyperlink on the shape, but then go the the paint bucket and choose no fill and then go the line colour and choose no line.

When you now run your slide show and hover over the word, you get a hyperlink.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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