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The eight biggest time management mistakes and how to avoid them
Time management is a key skill for people in business at any level, whether you’re a junior employee just starting out, and entrepreneur going it alone or the head of the company. When 70% of people find themselves working beyond office hours, into evenings, weekends and even holidays, you know it’s something you have to work on!
You can gain the required skills with our time management courses london. But in the meantime, you can benefit from some of these time management tips:
Not knowing what needs to be done
Remedy: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the task, and when it needs to be done by.
Picking the easiest tasks
Remedy: Don’t pick low hanging fruit and leave difficult tasks, prioritise and tackle the most difficult first. The rest will seem easy!
Being distracted by interruptions
Remedy: Learn how to manage interruptions and capture them in a way that interrupts less. If you can deal with them quickly and get back to the task in hand you’ll get more of it done.
Saying yes too often
Remedy: It’s difficult, but learning when to say no, or ‘not right now’ is important. When a new request comes, pause, weight it up and only say yes if you can fully commit
Not delegating
Remedy: Like saying no, learning to delegate is important. You can't manage all aspects of a task, and attempting to micro-manage everything causes responsibility overload and poor time management.
Not setting goals
Remedy: Knowing what you or the team need to achieve can be a psychological boost, as well as making it easier to allocate time and resources
Not taking breaks or adding buffers
Remedy: Working too hard or long is far less efficient, and can lead to burnout. Add breaks into your schedule and buffer time to tasks.
Remedy: It’s very easy to do, but allocating time, removing distractions, breaking down large tasks and placing focus on smaller tasks all help beat procrastination
For more detailed advice and training, you can always take our time management courses London, but before you do, see if there are any easy fixes with the points below:
You can also learn how to use Outlook to manage your time efficiently and easily in one of our time management email training London courses.
time management course london
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