saving different versions master

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Forum home » Delegate support and help forum » Microsoft Powerpoint Training and help » Saving different versions from a master powerpoint | PowerPoint forum

Saving different versions from a master powerpoint | PowerPoint forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Saving different versions from a master powerpoint

hi. on the powerpoint session there was a methhod of saving different combinations of slides for different )types of) customers. can you remind me how?

RE: saving different versions from a master powerpoint

Hello David,

Thank you for your question. Yes, this is a very useful tool in PowerPoint. If you go to the Slide Show tab, click on Custom Slide Show, then on Custom Shows. Here, you can pick which slides to include in the different custom shows.

All the custom shows save in the master file and you can start your presentation from any of the custom shows.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard

Mon 3 Oct 2022: Automatically marked as resolved.


PowerPoint tip:

Another way to reduce PowerPoint file sizes

A very quick and easy way to reduce the size of a PowerPoint file (particularly if it contains many images and/or objects) make the first slide in the presentation a blank slide (using slide layouts).

Why does this work? Because when you go to open the file through PowerPoint (File - Open or by using the Open button), the preview image that PowerPoint sees of that file is of a blank slide so the overall file size is reduced.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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