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advanced+powerpoint+courses - Powerpoint 2007

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Powerpoint 2007

How do you merge multiple presentations into one on powerpoint 2007?

RE: Powerpoint 2007

Hi Charlotte

Thanks for your question.

When you say 'merge multiple presentations' I am assuming you wish to take slides from one presentation and put them into another. Here's how:

1. Have the presentation open that you wish to add slides to from another presentation.

2. Where you can see the Outline and Slides tabs on your screen, click Slides, and then click where you want to add the slides from the other presentation.

3. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide, and then select the Reuse Slides option.

4. In the Reuse Slides pane, select Open a PowerPoint File.

5. Locate the presentation you wish to insert slides from, in the Browse dialog box, and then click Open.

6. Thumbnails of the slides from the presentation that you selected will be shown.

7. To add a single slide, click the slide.
To add all of the slides, right-click any slide, and then click Insert All Slides on the shortcut menu.

I hope this helps.


PowerPoint tip:

Quick Zooming in Powerpoint with rollerball mouses

Zooming in powerpoint works slightly differently than with word and excel. When you hold down the control key and roll the wheel up and down in will go through the zoom sizes up until 66% which you can choose from the zoom box, but after that it starts jumping up at 25%, 50% and then 100%.

TIP - if your cursor is not on the slide and in the slide/outline pane then when you zoom using CTRL it will zoom that pane instead.

View all PowerPoint hints and tips

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