5 Strategies to Manage Wellbeing in the Workplace

Wellbeing in the Workplace is a very real issue that if not tacked quickly, can affect motivation and your organisations internal and external relationships. It can also lead to an increase in absenteeism as a result of elevated health-risks.

A recent study found that;

  • In 16% of employees, sleep is regularly affected by work-place issues
  • 25% of staff often feel physically drained after an average day at work
  • 30% start work feeling low on energy and unmotivated
  • 20-30% feel stressed or anxious one or more days a week
  • Insomnia costs U.S. organisations more than $60 billion annually.

Another study found that mental health issues are the leading cause of sick leave in the UK, accounting for 70 million sick days, which is more than half of the 130 million total every year.

Why should you invest in workplace wellbeing?

The statistics paint a very clear picture – we know that healthy employees perform better because they have more energy, better focus and are more creative. They also engage more with colleagues and the businesses goals, meaning that managing the flow of information and knowledge transfer becomes smoother. This results in a more productive workforce.

Workplace Wellbeing Courses STL London
Well-being in the Workplace
What can you do?
  • Unify your teams: When you bring people together, either under a common goal (or project), socially, or under the umbrella of a wellness initiative for example, it builds camaraderie which in turn fosters a sense of unity amongst staff.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: both can have a significant impact. Implementing these practices, and providing a quiet area for people to practice, has been proven to improve skills such as regulating attention and behaviour. Even short mindfulness training can help to stabilise attention (Zeidan et al., 2010). Over time, meditation practice can improve the ability to disengage from mind wandering (Hasenkamp & Barsalou, 2012). This can be helpful in coping with the inner and outer distractions of busy offices.
Mindfulness has also been shown build confidence.

A.D. Amar and colleagues at the University of Westminster measured the self-perception of leadership skills among a sample of senior managers in the London area. And put them through a 12-week meditation-training program. Their results, published in the Academy of Management Proceedings, revealed that training significantly improved their overall self-confidence, as well as skills like inspiring a shared vision and moral and emotional intelligence.

  • Flexible working: staff become more efficient, healthy and tolerance levels towards tasks increase when they are able to take advantage of no commute time, their own environment and natural productivity levels.
  • Subsidised or on-site Gym membership: Fitness and healthy eating can reduce stress. More organisations now are including these benefits as standard. They frequently include other health perks such as free fruit, breakfasts and juices throughout the day.
  • Frequent feedback: This is a good preventative measure to instil and when practised regularly, helps keep lines of communication open. This supports employers instincts about how staff are feeling, gain context for current issues and insight into how to resolve them. Which ultimately helps employers act before problems arise or become severe.
Final thoughts…

When thinking about your employees wellbeing, it’s important to take into account every aspect, namely their physical, emotional and mental health. With the pressure of work mounting, staff are now more likely than ever to suffer burnout. Which of these 5 strategies has worked best in your organisation? Which do you think you could benefit from implementing to harness the power of your workforce, going forwards?

Improving Communication helps Manage Change

Change is the one thing that has the greatest impact on our lives and careers and there is no doubt that communication is key to managing it. But how well do Organisations perform in this area?

change management - communication tips
How to manage change through better communication
When we lose the security of routine and the known boundaries in which we operate, change affects us on a fundamental level:
  • It weakens our self-confidence
  • It challenges our productivity at work
  • It creates baseless fears and concerns
  • It causes stress between individuals and teams
  • It makes acquiring new knowledge and learning new systems daunting.

Are there factors that can help guide us through the process of change? Is there a plan or blueprint that we can use to better support and implement change?

There is a clear 4-stage process to help you become more self-aware, and therefore navigate change more successfully:


  1. The initial shock. You are moving through the day and hear rumours of changes about to be implemented. Nothing has been confirmed and then suddenly it is announced, and changes will being implemented with immediate effect. At this stage we often experience shock, confusion, worry and concern. Questions are raised about your position, the impact on the business and as a result, the new knowledge that you may be challenged to learn.
  2. Defensive mode begins. The initial shock has weakened, and the news sinks in. You don’t know why it happened and you question the logic of it. The more you pull the decision apart the angrier you get. It doesn’t make sense and is when your defensive retaliation is at its highest. You band together with colleagues who agree with your position. All you can see are the difficulties.
  3. Just feels wrong. The ‘uncomfortable’ stage begins. You are unhappy and feel awkward and unsure what to do, or where the company is heading. You start to see the advantages yet remain unconvinced. Others are quick to point out faults in the logic and colleagues are often at their lowest point.
  4. Time passes and things begin to make sense. You see why change was implemented, and the advantages. The progress forward seems heavy and slow yet there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Could this have been easier? What was missing?


In each of these stages the key was the lack of communication.

  • A meeting of all those potentially affected could be held to present the change, the impact and the benefits. Reassurances should be given at this point, because it positively impacts confidence.
  • Team sessions should be organised to discuss issues, address individual concerns and  come up with possible solutions.
  • Implement 1-2-1 goal setting, action plans and define clear objectives, which results in a sense of control returning.


Change is inevitable and offers the greatest opportunity for growth, or the seeds of destruction. How it’s handled strongly dictates which outcome will prevail.